SBOG is a voluntary group which has been working since 2002 to increase the breeding population of Barn Owls in Shropshire by providing nestboxes in areas of suitable habitat and working with farmers and other landowners to improve and conserve their habitat.
- Conduct site surveys and promote the conservation of Barn Owls and their habitat with farmers, landowners, statutory authorities and conservation organisations
- Operate a nestbox scheme to provide new breeding sites for Barn Owls and to replenish natural nest sites lost to decay and development
- Monitor nestboxes and natural sites for occupation by breeding and roosting Barn Owls on an annual basis under licence
- Maintain a database of breeding sites, nestbox occupation and breeding success
- Rehabilitate injured Barn Owls to their natural environment
- Disseminate information through an annual report, scientific papers, articles, illustrated talks, website and Facebook
- Provide advice and practical assistance to local authorities, developers and home owners to mitigate disturbance to Barn Owls